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Updated: Nov 12, 2023


Greetings and Blessings,

I wanted to send a word of encouragement to you today and say that knowing God’s voice will bring you comfort and peace especially during these troubled times of uncertainty we are living in.

As a young girl I remember asking my father the honorable Bishop William Burrel “how do I know if God is talking to me?” I wanted to make sure it was God speaking and not the evil one or just my own imagination.

My dad, God rest his soul, had so much wisdom and a true relationship with God. Dad kept the answer simple for me. He said “God’s voice is calm and sort of like your own thoughts; he will speak something gently to you while you are going about your daily activities; if you are not sure that it is God speaking, don’t act upon it just keep doing whatever it is you’re doing, and sure enough he will say it again. It may be later that day or another day, however God will speak the same thing to you again when you least expect it and you’ll know it was him talking.”

I will always remember and cherish what my father said. My relationship with God has grown over the years and I am able to recognize his voice much clearer. The key word here is relationship. You know what I mean, spending time with those that are important and impactful in your life.

Your children, spouse, family and close friends know your voice when they hear you talking even if you’re not in the same room together. This is because you have a relationship or friendship and spend time with these individuals. It’s like you’re in tune with each other and on one accord.

The more time you spend in God’s presence, the more you will become acquainted with his vernacular. Our Creator desires relationship with you, in dialogue as well as monologue.

God doesn’t have to yell to get your attention, he has a still peaceful voice. When someone is yelling they are competing with someone or something. God does not have to compete with anyone or anything for you to hear him speak.

Most of us are familiar with the scripture in John 10:27 where Jesus said [ “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me, I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, no one will snatch them out of my hand.”]

What a refreshing verse to recognize that God knows our name and has our back. He will protect us and keep us until we are with him in heaven. No one can pull us from God’s hand.

When does God talk to us?

I believe God is talking all the time; we just are not in tune with what he is saying because we are too busy to listen. Therefore many times God will speak to you when you are calm and quit. The Lord may speak a word early in the morning when you first awake or late at night when you are retiring for the evening. During these times your mind is not consumed with multiple thoughts and your spirit is quiet. God will speak when you are receptive to his voice. In other words he will allow you to make yourself available to engage with him. When does God talk to us? Anytime we will open our hearts and ears to listen.

How does God send messages to us?

Sometimes God will show you in dreams or visions the plans he has for you and your family. He may warn you in a dream also. God may send a word through ministry from a pastor or Christian teleplay and confirm something he already spoke to you. A friend may validate the very thing God spoke to you while you’re having a casual conversation. There is another way God speaks and that is in an audible voice. Yes he can speak out loud in his natural voice in your house, car, or anywhere you may be at the time. I have experienced hearing God’s voice in all of the circumstances I just presented to you.

What I really love is that God confirms his word. He’s not trying to confuse us. Whenever you are confused it is likely that the enemy is trying to distort what God is saying. I’m reminded of the scripture letting us know that [“God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”] refer to 1st Corinthians 14:33. The beauty of our Lord is that he will verify what he has spoken to you so that you are not perplexed about anything he is instructing you to do. In Acts 14:17 it lets us know God never leaves himself without a witness.


Here are some ways to open your heart, mind and ears to hear God’s voice. Practice meditating, close your eyes and think about something beautiful in God’s creation. Be still before the Lord in your devotional time of prayer; Remember praying is not you doing all of the talking, you must listen for God’s instructions as well. Find a quiet place to read more about Jesus. I have a prayer that I speak and want to share with you “ ask God to help you to know his voice without a question.” It’s just that simple; you need to know who is talking to you, so just ask him to help you to know his voice. The more you are in his presence the easier it will become for you to know his voice with confidence.

Let me know if this blessed you and share your prayer request if you so desire.

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4 commentaires

18 mars

Thank you so much Yvette! This blog was very helpful.

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Thanks for your comment and I'm glad it was helpful. Keep growing in God's Grace and wisdom. Blessings coach Yvette


Adanne Gadison
Adanne Gadison
06 mars 2022

This was definitely a blessing ! You simplified a question that’s been asked for centurie. I will always keep the wisdom your father passed down as well. Such a blessing to be raised with leaders of the Lord. Thank you for this messag, this is even like a memo from God, letting us know how much he really loves to speak to us!

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Thanks so much for your feedback. I am so glad it blessed you. God is speaking to us often and guiding us towards our blessings. May you continue to grow in his grace and wisdom.

Coach Yvette Lynn

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